Today was good. Well, better than yesterday anyway.
I have plans to do something for Spring Break. I have never had plans to do anything but work for Spring break, so this is very good, haha. I can't wait until this friday. I will leave at three pm to venture to northern myrtle beach and enjoy the weather for the weekend, and be back to spend my time at the vets office. But it is worth it to me. My friend actually wants me there, and her parents too. It makes me feel good- accepted.
Other than that, I finished my Bio lab today in like 45 minutes because Genetics just seems easy to me. I like things that are easy to understand and do. Makes my life a whole lot easier. I should study for the exam though. And write my english paper. It is due on wednesday. I'll get around to it. It's only 9pm.
I even went to science forum today, and enjoyed it. The topic was computation science. It was really neat. The guy talked to us about shodor.org and computational thinking, etc. It is super cool, you should check it out.
I just can't get over how much better I feel today. even though it was cold and windy. Just feeling like I belonged when my friend said that I should join her at her house in Myrtle Beach for the weekend made me feel great! Funny how one little thing can change the world for one girl.
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