Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Waiting for the flowers to bloom and the sun to shine

Wow. I am almost done with my freshman year at Converse. I feel like I just started yesterday yet I am ready to move on and grow older. So many things have changed for me. I know what I want to do with my life; I know where I want to go. I have ran and applied for things I never did in high school. I am about to complete Tarpon Sharks, a synchronized swimming club, that kicked my butt by the way. I will be a leader next year: an Orientation leader for incoming freshmen, the Crescent Vice President, and the Project Serve Special Interest Chair. And hopefully I will be inducted into the Biological Honor Society if I am lucky (I am a Biology major). I feel like I am accomplishing something, making something out of myself.
I even have a new job at a veterinarian's office.

Looks like 2010 is going to be a good year. I am happy...

...now if I could only get a bf, then I would be really happy. =]

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